간단히 말해 iSuppli에서 추정하는 넥서스원 부품 가격은 $174.15라는 것!!!(단, 제조, 소프트웨어, 박스내요물, 액세서리, 로열티등은 제외)
가장 비싼 부품은 메인 프로세서인 퀄컴의 스냅트래곤으로 $30으로 전체의 20.4%임.Google smartphone teardown reveals few surprises
SAN FRANCISCO—Google Inc.'s Nexus One smartphone carries an estimated bill of materials (BOM) cost of $174.15 and features chips from Qualcomm Inc., Synaptics Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., among others, according to a teardown analysis conducted by market research firm iSuppli Corp.
The Nexus One, sold with the Google brand name but manufactured by HTC Corp., incorporates many of the latest smart-phone innovations in a single product that manages to be both cutting edge and cost competitive, according to iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.). The product was introduced with great fanfare last week at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.
The Nexus One teardown revealed very few surprises, according to Paul McWilliams, an analyst with Next Inning Technology Research. It was already well known that the handset was based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 1-GHz processor, which Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs noted in his keynote address at CES, McWilliams said. Other things were also well known prior to the teardown, McWilliams said, including the fact that the handset includes 4GB of NAND flash in a microSD card (supplied by Samsung).
ISuppli's preliminary BOM estimate of $174.15 comprises only hardware and component costs for the Nexus One itself and does not take into consideration other expenses such as manufacturing, software, box contents, accessories and royalties, iSuppli said.
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